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News Posts: 2020


Barlow Tyrie Supports NHS Staff

There is little doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting lives across the world, no more so than NHS staff working at the front line, treating patients with the disease in the UK. Barlow Tyrie…

Barlow Tyrie Celebrates 100th Anniversary

Centennials are not a common anniversary; then again, Barlow Tyrie manufactures an uncommon product.  Frederick Barlow and Victor Tyrie began their partnership in 1920 with humble beginnings – in a…

Barlow Tyrie Wins Red Dot Award: Product Design 2020

Red Dot is an international award celebrating superior design. An expert jury compromised of some 40 international experts, who share the same passion, assess manufacturers’ and designers’…

Exhibition Calendar 2020

In 2020 we celebrate our 100th anniversary as a specialist manufacturer of outdoor furniture. We are known and respected worldwide for quality and customer service. We look forward to meeting you at…

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